Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Simple Weight Loss Tips ANYONE Can Use - by

Simple ideas and tips you can use every day to lose weight

The writer of this article lost 95 lbs. by using these ideas below and simple walking each day for exercise.

  • Get up and move each day, even a brisk 10 minute walk can kick your metabolism into higher gear
  • Dieting is temporary, make a lifestyle change by still eating the foods you like but with portion control. Cut the portions in half or in quarters while still fulfilling your craving but not going overboard.
  • Eat as much protein as possible
  • A simple snack if you are hungry is a tablespoon of peanut butter and large glass of water - sure to satisfy and fill you
  • Purchase a BelieveWristband to help motivate you each day to continue your weight loss journey
  • If you must eat bread, try to scoop out as much of the bread as possible before using it in sandwiches, reducing your carb intake.
  • Greek yogurt with vanilla or chocolate protein powder. Protein packed and filling while tasty.
  • Do not get upset if you have a bad eating day. Get back on track by the end of the day or the next day and continue your fight. Remember, it may have taken a lifetime to put on your weight, unfortunately it will also take time to lose it.
  • Double your water intake each day, you will be surprised how often you were just thirsty and not actually hungry.
  • Try to get as close to 10 hours per sleep each night
  • It may be tough, but reduce your late night snacking, those calories will not get burned
  • Remind yourself each day that you can do it, wear a BelieveWristband on each wrist to tell yourself that you are worth it!!!
  • Find an accountability partner, this way you can both be sure each is watching what they eat and if you report back to each other, you can give each other feedback
  • No need to join a gym, just walk. Walk as much as you can even if on a local high school track or in a nearby neighborhood road.
  • Download a walking app for your phone so you can see how many miles you may be walking. Not only is it fun, but it will motivate you to walk more each time.
  • Need more motivation, be sure to check out BelieveWristbands here on eBay. The best motivational hologram power band available.
  • Almonds are a great mid-day snack, high in protein and filling. Moderation though, as they are high in fat although it is a healthier monounsaturated fat.
  • Once you start losing weight, sell your old bigger clothes on eBay. Do not allow yourself to go back to your old weight by keeping your bigger clothes around "just in case".

In addition to helping with your diet / lifestyle change, motivational BelieveWristbands can also provide the motivation to help you stop smoking and/or quit drinking.